Construction Tenders

Production Information Service

Tender Packs & Production Information

Construction Detail Drawings

Production information is ‘…the information prepared by designers, which is passed to a construction team to enable a project to be constructed’.

Production information is incorporated into tender documentation and then the contract documents to allow for the construction works to be accurately priced according to the clients desired specification.

Production information may include:

  • Drawings (location drawings, component drawings and dimensioned diagrams).
  • Specifications, design criteria and calculations (specification information can be included on drawings or in a separate specification schedule document)
  • Bills of quantities or schedules of work (schedules of work are ‘without quantities’ instructional specifications often produced by designers on projects for uniform pricing across multiple contractors ensuring a like for like result priced for client and professional team consideration.


The purpose of production information is to reflect is as much detail as possible the scope of works and every intrinsic element of a project for prospective contractors. A well structured and presented ‘tender pack’ will clearly explain the needs of the clients, the intention being to remove any vagueness to contractors.

It is always beneficial for clients to undertake these works at an increased professional fee cost, as it is merely a legally robust means of protecting the client from being exposed to price fluctuations during the job. A detailed tender pack can pay dividends many fold on securing price certainty on projects, where a spiralling budget could spell disaster for clients.

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